Response to Ed Miliband speech

Bianca Todd from left wing political party Left Unity said:

“Ed Miliband says we should judge him not by his personality but by his ‘big ideas’. But there’s a problem: what big ideas?

“In the last few weeks alone, the Labour Party has rejected an end to austerity, rejected railway renationalisation and rejected supporting public sector strikes.

“The ideas Ed Miliband has supported have been cutting benefits for young people and fracking under our homes.

“It’s no wonder so many people are looking for an alternative to Labour and an opposition worthy of the name.”

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Notes for editors

1. Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain. Founded in November 2013, it already has over 2,000 members and 50 branches across the country.


5 responses to “Response to Ed Miliband speech”

  1. Rob Bishop says:

    Good to see Left Unity getting into its stride following its birth. More ‘quick’ press releases like this will help in showing we mean business.

  2. Ian R Robison says:

    I have been able to vote since the ill fated 1979 election and have only had the option to vote for parties on the Far Right, Right or Centre Right. I am feeling slightly disenfranchised at the moment, but at least Mr Miliband has demonstrated a sense of humour and humility. It is about time someone spoke up against the ‘celebrity politicians’ more suited to being photographed with popular performers or reality TV ‘Stars’than the serious work of running our Country. Give us a viable Left to vote for.

    • Red ed gives me a sore head says:

      How can he be trusted – he stabbed his own brother in the back

      • Simon Hardy says:

        How did he stab him in the back? He stood against him in a leadership competition and won (though by a fraction of the vote). If David Miliband had won would we be saying he stabbed his brother in the back?

  3. david tandey says:

    We should stop the petty bickering and concentrate on the fact we have no representation in parliament. I dont care about ed and his sulking bro dave.

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