As Israel’s massacre in Gaza continues to escalate, another national demonstration has been called for this Saturday (26 July).
It will assemble 12pm at the Israeli embassy in Kensington to march to parliament. More details in the poster below.
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Saturday 18th January: National March for Palestine
End the Genocide – Stop Arming Israel
Hands Off Lebanon – Don’t Attack Iran
Assemble 12 noon – BBC, central London
More details here
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I live abroad, although a British citizen paying taxes in the UK. I cannot be with you, but my wife and I are deeply disturbed by the merciless brutality of the Israeli Government and its outrageous audacity to claim victimhood while engaged in their massacre of all ages of civilians. I urge Left Unity to initiate a Countrywide Petition to insist that, the British Government do all in its power to oppose and end Israel’s 48-year oppression of the Palestinians.
Below is the letter of terms for the establishment of Israel, gifted by under the Balfour Treaty:
Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty’s Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations, which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet:
“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
I should be grateful if you would bring this Declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour.[1]
We wish you great crowds for Saturday and the support of all decent people.
Kind Regards,
John Weston
The continued persecution of the Palestinian people by the State of Israel both within its borders and outside is appalling. It amounts to a slow and systematic genocide. I was unable to come yesterday but give my support to Left Unity.
It is true to say that what’s happening to innocent civilians in Palestine is a tragedy. But perhaps those who support Palestine should also avail themselves of the political charter of Hamas – a terrorist organization who were democratically elected by a majority of the people of Palestine. They are not a ‘fringe’ group. Hamas has explicitly outlined its genocidal intentions towards the Jews in Israel. This is a defensive war. Innocent civilians have not been explicitly targeted by the Israelis. Can we say the same about the actions of Hamas? Or perhaps the suicide bombers are justified because they are romanticized in the left wing media as ‘freedom fighters’. If Israel laid down its weapons tomorrow then we would see a genocide. I support many of Left Unity’s policies, but I won’t be supporting this one.
Lynda, the IDF has been targeting schools, market places and hospitals! It is clear this is a war against the Palestinian people more then Hamas.
Israeli generals have even theorised it as a method of “Asymmetrical warfare”
I think with over 70% of the casualities being civilians and IDF soldiers on social media cheering the fact that they are killing children in Gaza you cannot say that “Innocent civilians have not been explicitly targeted by the Israelis”
What you are ignoring is the rather important fact that the country Hamas is targeting (ie “Israel” in the 1949 ceasefire line) was part of Palestine within the memory of people still alive, many of whom still cluth the door keys of their stolen or destroyed houses.
The state of Israel was born in the blood of deliberate ethnic cleansing and mass murder. Whatever you think of Hamas (and I don’t think much of them myself) they have a right to fight to regain the country that was stolen from them. If Israelis want to live in peace they should realise that there will never be peace without justice. Instead of indulging in even more indiscriminate slaughter they should, as a minimum, withdraw from the West Bank, end the siege of Gaza, tear down the apartheid wall, guarantee full human and national rights to the Palestinians who find themselves living inside what the Isarelis call a Jewish state, and grant the return or full compensation for Palestinian refugees in line with several UN resolutions.
The Hamas card is sheer hypocrisy. I did not notice Israel granting freedom for Palestine before Hamas was in a leadership role. They described Fatah also as a terrorist group who they could not negotiate with. Israel love having Hamas as a bogey because it allows them ideological cover, especially in the USA, to do what they like under the guise of an anti-terror campaign.
Israel has repeatedly voted for terrorists, war-criminals and murderers as political leaders, by the way, but everyone chooses to forget that.
I do wonder whether I am happy for an apologist for mass murder supporting Left Unity, so feel free not to in future.
I agree with your stance in every way. Alas, my marching days are over, but I am with you in spirit.
The western media, including our so-called impartial BBC, are as guilty as anyone for the carnage in Gaza. The TODAY programme on Radio 4 invariably carries a pro-Israel bias, even though it is thinly disguised as balanced reporting. More criticism is made regarding the ineffective Palestinian rockets than tank shells and hugely destructive air-launched missiles fired by the Israelis. Listen to John Humphreys and Sarah Montague and you’ll see. The Israeli gameplan here, which is never mentioned, is to wipe out/drive out the indigenous Palestinian population and replace them with Jewish settlers. All the crap about peace plans and a two-state solution is just to buy time as more and more settlements are built.