Clarkson must be sacked


Left Unity is calling for the BBC to sack Jeremy Clarkson after the latest in a long line of incidents of racism.

Salman Shaheen, Left Unity principal speaker, said:

Clarkson has a history of using racial slurs on air and this latest unbroadcast comment is just more evidence that he is a bigoted bully boy who takes joy in picking on the vulnerable.

This is not about free speech. Clarkson has brought his employer, the BBC, into disrepute and it should sack him immediately. Let him spout what he likes but not while we the licence payer are paying his enormous salary.”

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Notes to editors

1. Left Unity is the new party of the left in Britain. Founded in November 2013, it already has over 1,900 members and 50 branches across the country.

2. The new party is standing its first candidates in the May 2014 local elections, in Wigan, Norwich, Bolton, Exeter and Barnet in north London.



5 responses to “Clarkson must be sacked”

  1. gkw says:

    Oh dear, I sincerely hope this is not the standard by which the LeftUnity wishes to set itself: Hyperbole without substantial content or citations.

    Is the reader supposed to guess what the aforementioned Clarkson said?

  2. MickyD says:

    Down with this sort of thing ! Is this where were at on the left ? Is this what its degenerated to ? Jesus wept ….

  3. Ray G says:

    Why are we getting involved with trivia like this. Can we keep our eye on the ball please.

  4. Mark Reeves says:

    Honestly Left Unity is digging its own grave with this sort of nonsense. Clarkson is a twat, everybody knows he’s a twat, so what is the point of this statement? Do you seriously think that the BBC is going to slaughter their principal cash-cow, because L.U. called for it?

    Clarkson has a history of this sort of nonsense, and by an odd coincidence these incidents almost always coincide with the launch of his latest book.

    Stop playing into his hands and grow up for fuck’s sake.

  5. L Anderson says:

    Jeremy Clarkson has made many offensive remarks before the latest ‘Eeny meeeny’ insult.

    He always apologises (or the BBC does so on his behalf) and then it seems all is hunky-dory for a while until once again his mouth opens before his brain kicks in and he offends again.

    He is still in his taxpayer-funded position because of his powerful friends in high places.

    Clarkson is a liar (he at first denied making the rascist remark, then, when he realised it was in the public domain, he made a grovelling apology).

    Anybody else who expressed such racist and offensive views would be out of a job as soon as they were made.

    He should go, if he doesn’t resign he must be sacked.

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