Sept 29 – the story the media ignored

Terry Conway reports on the demonstration that was absent from the TV and the papers:

More than 50,000 people from across Britain marched through Manchester in a vibrant defence of the NHS in particular and public services more generally. The mood was positive – not only because it was a glorious sunny day but because it was invigorating to see so many people coming together as part of the same movement.

Mark Renwick

Photo: Mark Renwick

Trade Union banners were the most frequently seen along with hand made placards, particularly focusing on the NHS – the question over which the demonstration had initially been called.

Lesley Connors

Lesley Connors

It was easy to talk to people, not only because it was a nice day and many people were standing around for quite a long time before we finally got going on the three mile trek to Whitworth Park, but because there were lots of people who aren’t regular demonstration goers and so were more willing to stop and find out about the different organisations giving out material.

Left Unity supporters distributed our new glossy broadsheet – described by some of us as the heaviest leaflets in town! – and got into discussions with many of those we met.  Telling people that Left Unity was the project that Ken Loach was promoting had many coming back to ask more.

Steve Wallis and Nick Jones at the beginning of the march

Steve Wallis and Nick Jones at the beginning of the march

We also had two banners – from Birmingham and from Leeds which made us more visible.

There were probably many other Left Unity supporters that we didn’t see and who may not have seen us – such was the large and somewhat chaotic nature of the event but it was an excellent opportunity to reach new people.Pete Green and Terry Conway - we did give out lots of broadsheets as well as chatting

Pete Green and Terry Conway – we did give some broadsheets out as well as chatting.

frankie and richard from huddersfield



5 responses to “Sept 29 – the story the media ignored”

  1. David says:

    For me, it’s just another indication of how far to the right the UK, main stream press has now shifted. Guess many are following the DMs tirade against Ed Milliband following that party’s conference and his (at last!) announcing something, albeit limited, which might help, struggling, ordinary, people.

  2. John says:

    My ability with social media could be summed up as : twitters with difficulty! But the non coverage of the demo in the ‘mainstream media’ means that comrades who do understand social media and who can use it effectively should post pictures, films and reports in such a way so that it gets out to the widest audience possible. If it makes even just a few hundred people question this rotten Government’s polices and think about LU as an alternative then their efforts have been worthwhile.

  3. Jonno says:

    A great event but saddened to note the TUC changed what was meant to be a protest against austerity and especially benefit cuts to the NHS, which of course is just as important, but…

    I think the original call was by the People’s Assembly.

  4. Miguel Martinez says:

    The coverage was a problem but it means that Left Unity when it becomes a party should have at its centre a strong communication strategy, coordinated social media work and look to developing a high profile set of publications which capture what the left and unions are doing. Colleagues appear to be getting into filming events as well. However – it is sad when even The Guardian does not do enough to cover such events but it is the voice Lib Dem/ right wing Labour interests.

  5. Mark Perryman says:

    I’m sorry but a 50,000 march is not a major news story. To ge mainstream national media coverage requires at least a basic understanding of news values.

    2 retired army Colonels interruptng the Minister of Defence’s speech inside the confeence hall however is a major news event and got the coverage it desrved, whether you agree wih it or not.

    Geeting a crowd of 50,000 together who all already oppose the attacks on the NHS, to travel to Manchester, then to march to a park 3 miles from where the Tories are having their conference may, or may not, be a good thing. But as an exercise to achieve mainstream media coverage it is an absolute non-starter.

    Mark P

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