Thoughts on the Bedroom Tax

ellenor2Trade union activist Ellenor Hutson and her beautiful baby share some thoughts on the Bedroom Tax
I am sitting in the community centre on my estate, attending a meeting on the Bedroom Tax. 25 people have turned out. Not too bad for a weekday evening, but then these are worried people. A lot of them are looking at a 14% increase in on their rent. That’s £11, maybe £15 depending on the property. (1)
The bedroom tax only affects people on benefits. So everyone here is on the breadline anyway. There is no way anyone here has a spare £11 per week. This is food from their children’s mouths. Or from the electricity, which everyone pays by key meter and is off half the time already.
I’m here as a benefits advisor, in case any legal questions come up. The idea is that maybe I can answer them. And I can, but only to crush any residual hope that might be remaining.
There are very few loopholes in this one. From now on Housing Benefit will only cover one room for each couple, an extra room for any single adult and one room between every two kids. There’s a little bit of wiggle room for bereavement and a get out for foster parents, families of serving service people and (after a legal challenge by the Child Poverty Action Group) a recognition that severely disabled children may need a room to themselves. That’s it.
The bedroom tax is not completely new. Tenants in the private sector have had to deal with reductions in their housing benefit for “extra rooms” for a long time. But that only ever applied to new tenancies. People could plan ahead and avoid moving into houses that were too big under the rules. This is a massive cut to loads of peoples benefit, all in one go.
So, what to do if you find yourself with an “extra” bedroom?
You could try to transfer to a smaller place. Except there aren’t many. Council housing was built as family homes, for stable communities, back when governments cared about such things.
Apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment? There’s a fund, but its small and thousands of others will be applying too. Move to private rented accommodation? In Glasgow the private sector is tiny and run by criminals, who; by the way, will be loving this.
Get a job to cover the shortfall? Yeah Right! 30% of Glasgow’s working age population are currently out of work (2) and most jobs available are casual or part time or both. Any money you did earn would be deducted from your benefits in any case. (3)
There’s only one possible conclusion, I can draw:
“The only answer to this is collective action”
It’s not lefty rhetoric, this time. There’s genuinely no other way through this. We have our backs against the wall.
I’ve recently read the Chartered Institute of Housing guidelines to Housing Associations and Local Authorities. (4) It’s interesting to pull back and see it from the landlord’s perspective.
Imagine for a minute that you the Chief Executive of a Council. (5)You have a whole load of housing at your disposal. You rent it out. Some tenants don’t have enough money to pay the rent. They claim housing Benefit and you recover the money from central government. You rely on this money to maintain the buildings and to provide services in your area.
So now central government has stopped paying the full cost of the rent and it’s effectively a cut to your council. Another cut. On top of the cuts you’ve had already.
And the government is telling you to make up the difference by taking money from the grocery budget of the very poorest people in the area?! It’s as crazy as it is vicious.
Look at it that way and it not just about immiserating benefits claimants. It’s also about destroying council housing and messing up council services.
bedroomlogoFINALSo what to do? The CIH recommends “a programme of home visits for face to face conversations with tenants.”
Many people in my area have already experienced this. Some stranger, coming to their door and picking through their household budget, trying to find some little thing they could cut back on. Just try and imagine the humiliation of that for a minute?
But it blood out of a stone. The money isn’t there. So what to do instead? Evict 31% (6) of your tenants, and then process them all through the homeless persons unit?
No council or housing association can evict everyone who can’t or won’t pay and this is exactly why the bedroom tax can be defeated.
We go to the Anti- Bedroom Tax demo in town, me my husband and our baby boy. Someone’s brought along a piece of my own childhood. A banner reading “Paisley Anti Poll Tax Union” They must have kept it safe in a cupboard all these years. A timely reminder of what can be achieved if we all stick together.
We drive home from the demo and I’m thinking about the future as we pull into the estate. Some 930 households here are facing the bedroom tax. (7) Not me though. As a homeowner it’s not my problem.
Except; of course, that it is.
This is a lovely estate. The children play out in the street. At Halloween, we got through three boxes of mini cupcakes, with all the kids coming to our door. Nice polite kids in handmade costumes.
Some with their mothers, but most allowed out on their own. A world away from the intimidating atmosphere of my neighbourhood as a child.
I want my son to grow up here, amongst these people; to play out safely in the streets and to dress up and collect sweeties from the neighbours on Halloween.
I don’t want to see those same neighbours, harassed or evicted out of the neighbourhood. A stable community like this is one of the underappreciated benefits of a fair society. And its benefit for everyone; not just the poorest.
It couldn’t survive the forced migration that the bedroom tax is intended to impose. Its for this reason, more than any other that I oppose the bedroom tax.
I hope this article has given you some sense of why you should too.

(1) This is the figure for my estate. The national average is actually higher, £14 (from the National Housing Federation)
(2) (

(3) Universal Credit (which replaces most other means tested benefits from October) actually has fairly generous income disregards. So after October raising the additional money might be more of an option for some people. Unfortunately Bedroom tax begins in April, allowing 6 months in which to accrue some really crippling rent arrears.


(5) Actually, in Glasgow, all council housing has been semi privatised and farmed out to housing associations. I’m just using a council as an example, to simplify the argument.


(7) Estimated based on national figures.”



8 responses to “Thoughts on the Bedroom Tax”

  1. ellen jeremiah says:

    there are no jobs about. people will lose jobs because us the poor will not be buying much food, you have to have the internet to deal with the DSS have they taken into account that we also have to meet these extra bills eg landline and internet access which is another £22 pm, we need to send together one and all, the iron lady wasnt for turning, the people soon changed that, so COME ON PEOPLE WE NEED TO GET OUT THERE AND NOT HOPE SOMEBODY DOES IT FOR YOU, get your balls back and fight this evil tory/libdem excuse for a government.

  2. Samantha Arden says:

    You do have a very valid point, the bedroom tax is in short a way of dividing communities and forced migration, it is unjust and unfair and can be defeated, if all 99% of the people opposed to this stick together, we can make a change, maybe not today, prehaps npt tomorrow but soon.

  3. Nigel Chapman says:

    Due to a accident at work I’ve been left almost unable to walk. My home was built with disabled people in mind and due to my disability it has been fully adapted for my needs. But because it’s a 3 bedroom house I’ve been deemed to have three spare rooms, even though my son lives with me. The government keep banning on about not forcing people to move, but what choice do I have. I only receive incapacity benefit and I now need to find £30.00 per week to stay with my home, , which is impossible sum of money toffind. But to move will cost me over £1000.00, again and impossible amount to find. I’ve worked all members life and because of an accident at work I’m now being forced into a situation I can do nothing about. I can’t sleep properly at night due to the stress. What sort of society do we live in!

  4. Gorel Heaney says:

    I have worked in nursing for nearly 50 years, many of them on a poverty ridden estate.
    Many of my cliens because of different reasons needed a bedroom of their own such as mental health, snoring, restlessness and inability to sleep thus keeping partner awake. People on oxygen and different medication. The list is endless. We need to listen to their views and take heed, what about quality of live, a good night sleep as you have to care for a pertner all the time.
    Have some compassion, try it for yourself.

  5. anne green says:

    What really annoys me about the bedroom tax. They say move to a smaller property, because we are already living on the bread line how on earth can we afford a removal van, new flooring… if we can’t afford to lose our small amount of benefit, we certainly havn’t got the money for removals and other expenses that are involved in moving home.

  6. maria says:

    i am stunned that the gov is discriminating and bullying the most vullnerable people in society, because that is exactly what they are doing.

  7. maria says:

    why are they getting away with causing such distress and impossible demands on people that they know will be unable to meet them while they,the CON/dems have a good laugh with their banker chums… ha ha while causing hatred and divide against the poor and less able in our society

  8. maria says:

    this is discrimination and bullying and against the law the government are breaking the law

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