Since our party’s last annual elections in March 2018, the world is facing increasing dangers: the election of Bolsonaro in Brazil and the resurgent far-right across Europe; Trump’s attempted coup in Venezuela; the continuing climate catastrophe and the escalating new Cold War. Here in Britain, the political crisis raises the disastrous spectre of a no-deal Brexit as the Tory government continues to wreak havoc on ordinary people’s lives, as well as fundamentally damaging our economy and social fabric.
Yet opposition continues on all fronts, in the US, globally, and across Britain: in defence of the NHS, building the housing campaigns, against war and nuclear weapons, against racism and in support of free movement and workers’ rights. The struggle against the far-right is ongoing and Left Unity is pleased to be active in the forthcoming European conference, organised by Transform UK and backed by many organisations from across Europe. No Pasaran! confronting the rise of the far-right, is being held in London on Saturday 2nd March. Many European delegations are joining us – please do visit the conference website to see all the different events associated with the conference and register too.
Left Unity continues with its grassroots activism and engagement in these key areas of struggle, a clear voice in support of freedom of movement, against racism and fighting for the rights of all; striving to be an anchor to the left in ongoing political developments. Left Unity is a small party but its clear and principled politics and its hard-hitting analysis are crucial in helping to bring the movements and our communities together – both here and across Europe. We are now full members of the European Left Party – part of a movement of many hundreds of thousands across the continent. In November we joined activists from across the continent at the second European Forum in Bilbao. Our input has been welcomed.
We thank you for your support for the positions taken by our party and hope you will consider standing for an elected position within Left Unity, to help take our political work forward. The election process is beginning now and will be completed by the end of March. We need to elect our national officers and other members of the National Council, as well as the Disputes and Appeals Committees.
We are writing to ask whether you would be interested in standing for any of these positions or in proposing someone else to do so.
As set out in our constitution there are different groups of people who make up the National Council that are elected nationally by membership online ballot
a) 15 directly elected members.
b) The following national officers
Recognised branches and caucuses elect their own representatives.
As we said earlier we are also electing members for the Disputes Committee and Appeals Committee.
At least 50% of those elected to the National Council and the other committees need to be women.
If you wish to nominate yourself or another member for any of these posts, your nomination should be sent by email to or by post to Left Unity, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX by midnight on Friday 15th February 2019. Please note that all nominations must have a seconder. If you are nominating yourself, please return the form below. If you have nominated someone else they will be sent a form to complete by Friday 1st March.
If you prefer to receive a ballot paper by post please let us know by the same deadline.
Many thanks,
Left Unity
Nomination form
Post you are standing for:
Nominated by (Any other members or branches or caucuses can nominate you – you will need at least one other member to do this for your nomination to go through. Please copy that member into the email or get them to sign the paper):
Statement (up to 300 words):
Return to or by post to Left Unity, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX by midnight on 15 February 2019.
Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.
About Left Unity
Read our manifesto
Left Unity is a member of the European Left Party.
Read the European Left Manifesto
Events and protests from around the movement, and local Left Unity meetings.
Saturday 15th February: National March for Palestine
Freedom for Palestine – No to Ethnic Cleansing
Stop Arming Israel
Assemble 12 noon – Whitehall, London
More details here
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